These seven stunning tales are about all the big things: faith, love, family, temptation and redemption. They show us at our most vulnerable and our most miraculous. They show moments of grief and betrayal as well as humour and happiness. They show us the best of people and the worst. They show us life.
Stuart Nadler is a writer in the great American tradition, but one who emerges from the shadows - of Updike, of Bellow, of Cheever - and stakes his own bold and exciting claim.
'In The Book of Life , Stuart Nadler offers a fresh, funny, perceptive take on the current state of the Jewish family, including the families we make with our friends and lovers. Like Bernard Malamud, Nadler has a gift for comic/ironic dialogue and for setting thoroughly modern characters on a collision course with the distant past. A truly talented writer.' -- Sharon Pomerantz, author of Rich Boy
About Stuart Nadler
Stuart Nadler is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where he was awarded a Truman Capote Fellowship and a Teaching-Writing Fellowship. Recently, he was the Carol Houck Smith Fiction Fellow at the University of Wisconsin. His fiction has appeared in the Atlantic.