This is a classic slow burner, it gradually gets it’s hooks into you and then rockets along to a cracking ending. Set over a period of a week during the American Presidency campaign in July 1988, there is a definite political overtone, but you don't have to know how the system works to enjoy this novel. Feeling more focused and directly featuring less characters allows the storyline of Gregg Hartmann, hero to the Jokers (but a hidden murdering nightmare of an ace) to take centre stage. You may initially miss the brawling turbulence of the wider range of characters from previous books, but hang on in there as it gets good!
The Closing Credits at the end of the book is an interesting page as it features a list of characters and their creators. Dr Tachyon, created by Melinda M Snodgrass has assisted Martin with the editing of ‘Ace in the Hole’.
You will understand so much more of the Wild Card world if you start at the beginning of the series with ‘Wild Cards’. You do not have to be a science fiction and fantasy buff to enjoy these books. George RR Martin has proven his more mainstream appeal with the ‘Game of Thrones’ TV series adapted from his ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. Recommended for anyone who appreciates the unusual and bizarre side of life.
Decades have passed since the first victims of the Wild Card virus appeared in public life. Transformed into Aces - with useful and remarkable powers - or Jokers - deformed and twisted - the virus has changed lives. But not all mutations are easily identified. As campaigners converge on Atlanta for the Democratic Party Convention, one man sets his final plan into motion. Gregg Hartmann, outwardly normal, polite and serious, is in fact secretly a sadistic murderer with terrible psychic abilities. He also has an insatiable lust for power. And what better hiding place is there than being in the race for the most protected, public and powerful role in the world? If Hartmann can secure the Democratic nomination, he may well become the President of the United States. But there are those who would stop him..
George R. R. Martin published his first story in 1971 and quickly rose to prominence, winning four HUGO and two NEBULA AWARDs in quick succession before he turned his attention to fantasy with the historical horror novel FEVRE DREAM, now a Fantasy Masterwork. Since then he has won every major award in the fields of fantasy, SF and horror. His magnificent epic saga A Song of Ice and Fire is redefining epic fantasy for a new generation. George R. R. Martin lives in New Mexico.
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