British scientist Lamb's debut last year with 'Roboteer' was a striking one (and a book I was sad to have initially missed and not been unable to review in time). His follow-up is set in the same, complex SF universe where humans are augmented to be able to control spacecraft and mankind as we know it is riven by conflict between systems of belief and religion, only for the struggle to be turned upside down by the dfiscovery of alien technology, even though the actual aliens are nowhere to be found. The unstable truce of sorts arrived at at its conclusion is now about to unravel and interstellar war is soon to break out again with untold consequences that coulp wipe out the human race. The struggle is on to locate the aliens and find out their ultimate intentions. Space opera on the grandest of scales, with striking characters, undreamed of machinery, extraordinary powers and galactic landscapes make this another triumphant breakneck read that will stay in your mind for eons. SF with a glorious sense of wonder.
Years ago, one starship and its crew discovered an alien entity which changed everything. Its discovery finally bought an end to the interstellar war being fought between the masses of humanity and the few pockets of genetically engineered colonists. An uneasy peace was negotiated as the human race realised there was something else sharing our universe. Something that had plans for us. But the aliens have remained silent. The earthers have begun to test the edges of the peace treaty. Will, once a roboteer, once a human, now the most powerful being alive, has been sidelined and ignored. And a system-wide conspiracy threatens to plunge humanity back into war. Now one man, his head full of alien technology that lets him interact with machinery, must get to the bottom of the plot, find out what the aliens want, stop the oncoming war and save Will. And his journey will uncover a new threat to humanity. Nemesis is coming.
'Lamb shares Hamilton's ability to sustain a breakneck narrative where you always want to rush ahead and see what happens next. hugely promising' SFX
'Roboteer hits the ground running...Lamb handles the politics without resorting to info dumps and in Will has created a sympathetic and well-rounded hero' The Guardian
'Lamb's got so many ideas that they almost spill off the pages, and telling the story from both sides is a smart way of balancing the argument' Sci-Fi Now
'Alex Lamb has crafted a terrific debut novel. If the subsequent volumes are as good as this one then Lamb will surely be prominent in many an SF fan's bookcase' Starburst Magazine
About Alex Lamb
Alexander Lamb splits his time between writing science fiction, software engineering, teaching improvised theater, running business communication skills workshops, and conducting complex systems research. He currently lives in Princeton, NJ with his wife, Genevieve Graves, an astrophysicist also at the university there, and their three month old son.