The focus of this month's Book Club feature is Any Book Bookclub. This ingenious book club in Bearwood, West Midlands allows people to talk about all the books they love instead of having a set book all members must read. What an idea! I love the picture below with the variety of books discussed in a single meeting.

When did your book club launch? And how did that come about?

I launched the book club October 2018. I love book clubs but I realise that the set reading of one book – that you may or may not like – is not ideal for many readers. Some readers may only read a couple of books each month, so spending time on a book that you have been set to read, can feel like homework. Then I randomly stumbled over a Book Riot article with the idea of an Any Book Club, further googling showed that this was a thing lots of people did and I was excited to launch my own. The idea is simple, meet up with other readers, share a book you loved. 

Talk to me about how it’s developed over the years.

At this point, we only had 4 meetings, but we are steadily growing and the concept works. It is wonderful to see the variety of things people read and especially great to hear them all be so enthusiastic about it. We get everything from non-fiction, popular fiction, historical fiction, graphic novels., new releases, backlist and classics. It’s great. 

Describe your book club in three words

Gathering of readers

How do you choose your books?

That’s the great thing: We don’t. Every person who comes along enthuses about 1 book (sometimes 2) that they read recently and loved and want to recommend. 

How often do you meet?

We meet once a month

Where do you meet?

At our glorious local library, Thimblemill Library in Bearwood, Smethwick.

What is the format of your meetings?

It normally takes about an hour, I usually start off the meeting by talking about my book for that month and then I go round the group. We don’t set time limits and encourage discussion and questions. We often end up in tangents, which makes it even more interesting.

What are you reading right now?

The way of all flesh by Ambrose Parry, The Infidel Stain by MJ Carter and The Giver by Lois Lowry -  I always read several books

Do you have a favourite format of book? (hardback, paperback, ebook, audiobook)

I like books in any form they come. Although due to increasing arthritis in my hands I prefer large tomes of more than 800 pages on my kindle. 

What is your favourite book of 2019 so far?

I really adored Old Baggage by Lissa Evans

Do you collectively have a favourite author? 

No, every person who comes to the club has such different reading tastes

Do you collectively have a favourite genre?

No, not really

Has there been a particular highlight of your time together?

It’s still new, but I think, we all just love having other bookish people to chat to. 

Talk us through your books of the year so far…

If you were to give anyone out there some advice on setting up a Book Club what would it be?

Just do it. 

Please share any social links here so we can share your story and tag you on Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc…

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