Live the Myth! New York Times best-seller Catherynne M. Valente isthe single most compelling voice to emerge in fantasy fiction in decades.Collected here for the first time, her early short novels explore, deconstruct,and ultimately explode the seminal myths of both East and West, casting them inways you've never read before and may never read again.
The Labyrinth - a woman wanderer, a Maze like no other, aMonkey and a Minotaur and a world full of secrets leading down to the Center ofit All.
Yume No Hon: The Book of Dreams - an aged woman named Ayakolives in medieval Japan, but dreams in mythical worlds that beggar theimagination . . . including our own modern world.
The Grass-Cutting Sword - when a hero challenges a great andevil serpent, who speaks for the snake? In this version of a myth from theancient chronicle Kojiki, the serpent speaks for himself.
Under in the Mere - Arthur and Lancelot, Mordred and le Fay.The saga has been told a thousand times, but never in the poetic polyphony ofthis novella, a story far deeper than it is long.