"A thought-provoking and thrilling novel set in the not too distant future of offender rehabilitation and punishment."
This edgy speculative thriller balances on a taut barbed-wire edge of tension throughout. The premise is powerful and provocative and all too easy to imagine. A psychiatrist discovers failings within Janus Justice, the four-tiered private offender rehabilitation company she works for, and her life suddenly spins out of control. Author Sarah Moorhead sets a number of strands running through this novel. She uses different time frames, social and political commentary within journalist reports, and several contrasting character viewpoints to successfully provoke feelings. She allows you intimate access to the darker side of characters lives without judgement, letting you form your own thoughts. While there is a very definite questioning of morality and ideology spinning through this tale, it is also action-packed and highly entertaining, a difficult balance to maintain. I always enjoy being taken into the unknown, and setting this in the near future ensures a heightened awareness of being just outside of your own comfort zone. With an interesting concept, The Treatment fires into action as an engaging and stimulating read.