Having enjoyed a highly successful career as a beauty therapist in some of London’s most exclusive spas, author Deepa D’Angelova has chosen to reveal the well-kept beauty secrets that will soon have readers looking, and feeling, like a new person.   beautifulsecretsBut BeautyFull Secrets doesn’t just focus on the outside. It also covers ‘inner beauty’, adding a refreshing spiritual dimension alongside the author’s sensible, tried-and-tested guidance on all aspects of beauty — from the proper health and diet regime to follow to the right products to use.   D’Angelova’s core message is that the current global fixation on external beauty — one that has been greatly exacerbated by the advent of social media - is damaging to both men and women, causing people to have both negative and harmful perceptions of themselves.   Instead, BeautyFull Secrets offers an alternative path to beauty, far removed from the impossible ideals of the size zero supermodel.   In fact, the book firmly states that anyone can be beautiful, if only they close down their negative belief patterns regarding image and learn how to harness their assets properly, building their self-esteem and confidence in the process and letting this shine through.   The author reveals early on that the genesis of the book came out because she felt ‘ugly’ about herself, both in terms of her looks and life situation at the time.   The author is a single mum and knows only too well how hard it can be to find ‘me time’, but without a dedication to looking after yourself, and a little pampering now and then, the potential mental impact can be devastating.   Her own transformative journey saw her following the guidance that she has been providing to her clients for the last 15 or so years, which have included A-list celebrities.   This, she discovered, made her not only a more positive person but also more outwardly beautiful and attractiveness to others.   Drawing on this expertise and personal insight, BeautyFull Secrets provides a one-stop shop to beauty across twelve informative and accessible chapters filled with inspirational and full-colour photographs by talented artist Karlo Arkhieri.   For instance, an early chapter demonstrates how we should harness nature’s gifts — sun, water, food and oxygen — to help us improve our beauty naturally.   Another teaches how to look after our skin, the largest organ of the body, including how to hydrate and massage it, avoid spots and wrinkles, and generally take good care of it through such simple things as regular facials and remembering to remove make-up after a night out.   There’s also a chapter providing a handy overview of beauty products. This can prove a daunting topic given the vast range of items available to buy these days, but the author is on hand with top tips to look like a million dollars without having to spend the same amount.   Later chapters in the 240-page book cover embracing and developing a personal style, the art of seduction and the concept of beauty across different cultures — highlighting its diversity and the futility of the search for the perfect face or body.   There is also a chapter specifically devoted to men, who are becoming increasingly interested in looking after their appearance, following in the footsteps of such metrosexual role models such as footballing icon David Beckham.   Balancing the advice on outer beauty is an equal focus on inner beauty, making the soul radiate by freeing the mind from negativity and investing the time to become comfortable in your own skin, through meditation, yoga, exercise, reading and listening to music, for example.   The author says that such relaxing and stimulating activities will bring a noticeable difference in posture, demeanour, character and, ultimately, self-belief and attitude.   Having taken all the advice in, and to further inspire readers, Deepa rounds things off with a simple yet powerful two-week programme to achieving your beauty goals, instilling new daily rituals and observations that will soon become habit.   Following the book’s guidance, the author states, will bring about a fresh charisma and charm, confidence and elegance that she describes as “the true face of beauty”.   In short, BeautyFull Secrets, is a valuable companion for anyone interested in becoming a more beautiful and rounded person.   BeautyFull Secrets by Deepa D'Angelova (Infinity Space Publications) is out now, priced £20 in hardcover. Visit deepadangelova.com